Rubab Zainab

Rubab Zainab has been working in the development sector for the last 14 years. She is currently working with Peace and Education Foundation Pakistan as Senior Program Manager and Trainer. She is an inter-religious dialogue expert. She has led many peace building, civic engagement and youth development projects as manager and trainer. She holds a Master’s degree in Development Studies. She is a leading female trainer, and a peace activist. Her areas of expertise in the training field are; training design, youth development and empowerment, conflict resolution, leadership skills, interfaith harmony, inter and intra-faith dialogue, strengthening democracy and democratic processes, sectarian reconciliation, countering violent extremism, communication skills, women in peace building, critical thinking and civic engagement.

She attended Drew University Institute on Religion & Conflict Transformation; Conflict Resolution in 2018 at Drew University, New Jersey. She had the opportunity to work with both lay and clergy, from Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities in Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine to meet and learn from leading scholars, experienced practitioners of conflict resolution and fellow participants. She has vast experience of working with diverse groups such as interfaith leaders, mosque imams, women, youth from university and madrasah, Afghan Refugees, civil society members, and transgender. Ms. Rubab has participated in international forums including Countering Violent Extremism Summit in New York organized by U.S. State Department and Global CVE communication expo organized by Hedaya in Abu Dhabi.  Ms. Rubab is also a certified TEFL teacher from the LADO University, Washington D.C.