Two-Week Workshop for Students and Young Professionals on Enhancing English Language Communication and Leadership Skills

Peace and Education Foundation (PEF) successfully organized a two-week workshop in collaboration with the Regional English Language Office at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad. The workshop, held from November 13 to 24, 2023, aimed to enhance the English language communication and leadership skills of Afghan students and young professionals. A total of 37 registered Afghan refugees residing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Islamabad participated in the workshop. Out of the participants, 12 were female and 25 were male. The workshop was led by Dr. Ayesha, a seasoned trainer, and assisted by Mr. Ismail, an experienced educator.

The workshop adopted a participatory approach, incorporating a variety of engaging activities and materials designed to strengthen English language proficiency, cultivate critical thinking abilities, and foster leadership skills among the Afghan refugees. Through interactive discussions and problem-solving activities, participants honed their critical thinking skills. Leadership-focused sessions, led by Dr. Ayesha and Mr. Ismail, equipped participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to develop their leadership qualities. Case studies and practical exercises provided participants with insights into effective leadership practices. The workshop also addressed job readiness and professional development, providing participants with valuable guidance on preparing for the workforce.

This initiative provided much-needed professional development opportunities to the young Afghan refugees, helping them improve their English language proficiency, enhance their leadership abilities, master effective communication techniques, and attain job readiness. The workshop also served as a catalyst for the formation of a Community of Practice (COP) among Afghan refugees, creating a supportive network that facilitates continued learning and collaboration. The workshop’s success underscores PEF’s commitment to empowering Afghan refugees through education and skill development, paving the way for a brighter future for this resilient community.

The participants expressed their deep appreciation to RELO and PEF for organizing such an enriching and transformative experience. The appreciated that the workshop provided them with the tools and knowledge necessary to enhance their English language proficiency, strengthen their leadership capabilities, and foster effective communication skills. They are confident that the skills they have gained will enable them to make significant contributions to their communities and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Participants’ Feedback and Quotations

“I am deeply grateful for this exceptional opportunity provided by RELO and PEF. The trainers were exceptionally knowledgeable and experts in their fields. I particularly appreciate the comprehensive design of the workshop, which covered all aspects of language, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The workshop’s participatory model fostered active participation in sessions and activities, boosting our confidence in public speaking and expressing our viewpoints. We also worked on developing our leadership qualities, which has played a significant role in our personal and professional growth. I applaud the effort and commitment behind this workshop and wholeheartedly encourage similar initiatives in the future for Afghan refugees.” Jina


“The program was immensely valuable, equipping me with valuable knowledge and skills that have positively transformed my personal and professional growth. The diverse range of topics, from grammar and vocabulary to practical conversation skills, significantly enhanced my confidence in communicating effectively in English. The interactive sessions, exercises, and feedback from the instructors were invaluable in reinforcing my learning. The modules on communication, decision-making, team management, and conflict resolution were particularly insightful, providing me with a solid foundation for understanding leadership principles and applying them in real-life scenarios.” Farah Hashim


“The 12-day workshop was a transformative experience, leaving indelible marks on my professional journey. It served as a dynamic platform for networking, propelling me out of my comfort zone and into a vibrant social tapestry. The workshop instilled in me a surge of confidence, empowering me to take initiative and embrace diverse viewpoints with enthusiasm. Amidst the lively exchange of ideas, I found a cathartic release, drawing inspiration from a kaleidoscope of talents. The workshop honed my teamwork skills and unlocked my potential for leadership prowess. The fusion of hands-on learning and polished professionalism ensures a lasting impact on my career trajectory.” Abdul Mussawer


“As a participant in the English language communication and leadership skills workshop in Islamabad, I found the experience to be immensely fruitful and relevant to the needs of Afghan citizens. We gained valuable insights into various leadership styles, conflict management strategies, and cultural integration techniques. The workshop also provided us with a solid foundation in English language basics, including storytelling, writing, report writing, and engaging physical activities that promoted vocabulary development and effective communication skills. We wholeheartedly believe that the knowledge and skills we acquired during this workshop will have a positive and lasting impact on our personal and professional endeavors.” Muhammad Ullah Zadran