PEF recognized people of faith, community members and religious organizations who have extraordinarily served in the front lines of peace efforts, assisting communities affected by violence, discrimination and threats of persecution because of their faith. PEF acknowledged the hard work of these often marginalized and hidden religious peacemakers who used the strength of their faith to reconcile sectarianism, interfaith and communal conflicts. We honored these peace champions for their contributions to peace-building and conflict resolution locally and nationally.

What our Awardees say !

The threat of terrorism can only be overcome when our religious leaders and our madrasahs actively promote interfaith harmony and quality education. PEF is playing a pivotal role in restoring peace in Pakistan and countering extremism.
Qazi Abdul Qadeer Khamosh

I am an Imam of Salafi mosque, attended madrasah for eight years, and used to deliver hate speeches against others and incited sectarian conflicts. However, my life totally changed when I attended PEF’s training workshops. I became an advocate of peace and created a network of religious leaders from different faiths and sects to work for religious freedom for all.
Dr. Abdul Hafeez

Through Madrasah-University academic linkages, PEF has opened up new opportunities for madrasah students to attend universities, and explore the world of possibilities.
Dr. Atta ur Rehman, Head of Islamic Studies Department , University of Malakand

This award belongs to my whole community for their support. I am really grateful to PEF for setting a precedence of acknowledging efforts of religious leaders.
Hafiz Anas Zaheer

This award has increased my determination to keep working for peace in my community.
Muhammad Israr Madni

Peace & Education Foundation has made great efforts to enhance the professional capacity of madrasah teachers. I also appreciate their efforts for sectarian reconciliation in Pakistan.

Maulana Yasin Zafar

Madrasah and University youth engagement have led to an enormous change in reducing intolerance for each other and provides a unique opportunity for youth to serve their community, be resilient against extremist messages and embrace diversity. My sincere thanks to PEF.

Dr Abdul Muhaimin, Head of Department Haripur University and Youth leader

PEF’s Award Recipients 2018

Mr. Qazi Abdul Qadeer Khamosh has successfully engaged diverse religious, political and community leadership to address minority rights, promote interfaith dialogue and also speaks against violent extremism.

Community Peace-Builder Award

These individuals have exhibited unprecedented efforts in engaging diverse communities, creating an inclusive environment, challenging their community bias practices and defending minority communities from violence.

Dr. Abdul Hafeez

Muhammad Israr Madni

Dr. Nadeem Abbas

Religious Peace-Educator Award

These individuals have taken unprecedented steps to enhance educational standards for their students, faculty, and institutions. They incorporate peacemaking and tolerance within their institutions and bring together rival institutions for dialogue and reconciliation with sustained efforts.

Peace – Ally Award

These individuals courageously promoted inclusivity within their communities. They stood up for the rights of minority communities and promoted sectarian reconciliation in hostile environments.

Faith-in-Action Award

These diverse religious leaders have taken bold steps to amplify interfaith education, promote dialogue skills, and have built peace across their communities.

Emerging Peace-builder Youth Award

These youths have shown courage in challenging discrimination and have fearlessly reached minority students to organize youth groups to serve their communities, and have also challenged extremism.

Youth-led Peacebuilding Award

Dr. Abdul Muhaimin has successfully engaged and mobilized disputing youth-groups for building bridges to create inclusive communities through volunteer action, combating biases, creating resilience against extremism and promoting peace.

Dr. Abdul Mohaimin

Madrasah-University Collaboration Award

These educators and Academic leaders spearheaded the challenges of bridging the distance between religious education and modern university education system. They have worked tirelessly to overcome challenges to be inclusive and strived for equal education for all Pakistani teachers and students.

Media Coverage:
1- The News
2-Pakistan Observer
3-Daily Khabrain
5-Article on Award conference by Hafiz Umer Farooq
6-Article on Award conference by Saif Ullah Khalid
7-Article by Nadeem Abbas